So today, after much stressing didn't actually turn out too badly :D I started my teaching placement today and everyone (bar one snooty teacher!) was lovely! All really made me feel welcome and involved me in chats and talked away to me :) WOOHOO! The staff room is always the worst for me and the thing I always stress most about - I HATE staff room politics and "oh you can sit there or there..." etc :S but there was none of that :), granted I was very bored as I was sat there from 9am until 130pm doing NOTHING, but it was good!
Anyways, today is Sally's vat free day (at my local one anyways) so I got the card from the girl I work with and headed off lol. Only ended up with 4 things (one of which was a new tube of hair dye) but the polishes I got are so lovely I had to do a wee post!

To the left we have Turned up Turquoise (Neon) in this pic it looks really like peppermint patti but in real life its SO SUPER turquoise and pretty (although was rather disappointed to find that it dries rather matte :( ) and to the right we have Coconut Kiss. I have wanted this for ages, seen a girl working in sally's with it on months ago and its always out of stock! I spied it up beside the till and it had to me mine :D woohoo!!
Ooh I also got a cuticle oil but that's rather dull (and I also forgot to take the pic of it hehe).
Due to said placement, there will be very little from me :( I have to get my teacher head on (it's Miss Thomson from now on lol) but if I feel anything is interesting enough I'll try to fit it in and, I also have to review the La Roche-Posay stuff I got (thanks to Mizz Worthy!)
I shall still be twittering away (@lovesgreyboy) so come follow me if you don't already!
:) xx
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